Briefing nie działa

Edytor Arma (Arma, Arma2, Arma2OA)

Moderatorzy: kondor, Inkwizytor

Posty: 26
Rejestracja: 03 sierpnia 2012, 09:48
ID Steam:

Briefing nie działa

Post autor: Nex »

Od 3 dni męczę się z briefingiem do misji i nie mam pojęcia dlaczego nie działa. Proszę o jakieś wskazówki. Poniżej zamieszczam pliki. Dodam jeszcze, że gram po stronie USA tak jak to jest w briefingu i przejrzałem wszystkie możliwe fora z poradami :>

Plik init.sqf
execVM "briefing.sqf";
Plik briefing.sqf
* Mikey's Briefing Template v0.03
* Notes:
* - Use the tsk prefix for any tasks you add. This way you know what the varname is for by just looking at it, and
* aids you in preventing using duplicate variable names.
* Required briefing commands:
* - Create Note: player createDiaryRecord ["Diary", ["*The Note Title*", "*The Note Message*"]];
* - Create Task: tskExample = player createSimpleTask ["*The Task Title*"];
* - Set Task Description: tskExample setSimpleTaskDescription ["*Task Message*", "*Task Title*", "*Task HUD Title*"];
* Optional briefing commands:
* - Set Task Destination: tskExample setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "mkrObj1"); // use an existing marker!
* - Set the Current Task: player setCurrentTask tskExample;
* Formatting:
* - To add a newline: <br/>
* - To add a marker link: <marker name='mkrObj1'>Attack this area!!!</marker>
* - To add an image: <img image='somePic.jpg'/>
* - custom width/height: <img image='somePic.jpg' width='200' height='200'/>
* Commands to use in-game:
* - Set Task State: tskExample setTaskState "SUCCEEDED"; // states: "SUCCEEDED" "FAILED" "CANCELED" "CREATED"
* - Get Task State: taskState tskExample;
* - Get Task Description: taskDescription tskExample; // returns the *task title* as a string
* - Show Task Hint: [tskExample] call mk_fTaskHint; // make sure tskExample and the mk_fTaskHint function exist
* Authors: Jinef & mikey

// since we're working with the player object here, make sure it exists
waitUntil { !isNull player }; // all hip now ;-)
waitUntil { player == player };

switch (side player) do

case WEST: // BLUFOR briefing goes here
player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Plan", "<br/>You are to disable the missile site and capture the Scud launcher intact. Then transport it to our base in the north, where the engineers will remove the warhead and send it farther back for closer examination. "]];
player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Sytuacja", "<br/>According to our intelligence, the Russians have established a <marker name='scud'>cruise missile site</marker> in the center of Takistan. We are aware of just one SCUD B mobile missile launcher currently in the area; however, a missile site this close to our key strategic locations poses an unbearable threat. The SCUD B missile is able to deliver a nuclear, chemical or biological warhead to a target several hundred kilometres inland. If such weapons have been transported in the area, or if the Russians are still keeping to conventional weapons, we don’t know, but we are about to find out – one way or the other."]];
player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Wskazowki ","Remember that If scud is out of fuel or broken you can call support via radio.In case repair or fuel truck is destroy you can find other trucks in Szamali town which is south of the USA base.<br>"]];
player createDiaryRecord["Diary", ["Od autora", "New ARMA2 modified version of Flashpoint's mission Hard Times."]];

tskObj1 = player createSimpleTask["Capture the scud launcher"];
tskObj1 setSimpleTaskDescription ["Attack the <marker name='scud'> missile site</marker> and capture the Scud launcher, then bring it to our <marker name='USA'>base</marker> in the north for defusing.", "Capture the scud launcher", "Capture the scud launcher"]
tskObj1 setSimpleTaskDestination (getMarkerPos "scud");
player setCurrentTask tskObj1;

case EAST: // REDFOR briefing goes here




case CIVILIAN: // CIVILIAN briefing goes here


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